John Sykes

Donations (R/D)

Hillary Clinton (D)Evan Bayh (D)Al Franken (D)Robert Casey Jr (D)Chuck Schumer (D)Chris Dodd (D)Kirsten Gillibrand (D)Al Gore (D)Mark Green (D)Wesley K Clark (D)$12,100$6,000$4,600$4,500$3,500$3,000$2,400$2,000$2,000$2,000
Viacom International Inc. Political Action Comm...Democratic National Committee (D)Hill PAC (D)Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (D)New York Senate 2000 (D)Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence - Voter ...Midwest Values PAC (Mvp) (D)Democrats Win Seats (D)LA PAC (D)Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (D)$19,000$12,350$9,700$6,000$5,000$5,000$1,000$500$500$500

Donations (R/D)

Hillary Clinton (D)Evan Bayh (D)Al Franken (D)Robert Casey Jr (D)Chuck Schumer (D)Chris Dodd (D)Kirsten Gillibrand (D)Al Gore (D)Mark Green (D)Wesley K Clark (D)$12k$6.0k$4.6k$4.5k$3.5k$3.0k$2.4k$2.0k$2.0k$2.0k
Viacom International I...Democratic National Co...Hill PAC (D)Democratic Senatorial ...New York Senate 2000 (D)Brady Campaign to Prev...Midwest Values PAC (Mv...Democrats Win Seats (D)LA PAC (D)Democratic Congression...$19k$12k$9.7k$6.0k$5.0k$5.0k$1.0k$500$500$500


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