
hahaha hellllll yeah
great picture, well cropped
Slow bidder.
She’s not dead. That’s another Barbara Schwartz
Want your moniessssss
Gentlemen, I too am looking for some well paid job - abandoning the idea of becoming an artist : thinking money grows faster in other artistic trades. Please join me via my e-mail : or by phone +32 495 30 11 35 (I currently am living in Belgium) Best regards, Arthur "Cigarette" D.
Iris. Can you call me. 561 436 4559 Looking for Michael.
The Sacklers are fine people!
who did John vote for?
Isn't the pic Edward Jr?
Vous allez regretter 68
Wie talkst du eigtl mot mir?????!?!?!)
Gents no he
Seth price is shit
Cool Hillary sponsor
Challenging mail
Shit a way
I like your bow tie and your gorgeous teeth. Best dressed!
I love art !!!!!!!!!!!!
In silent waters the whale stays still
The moon landing was faked
Aheuhfgbgjkebyjhhue bykkrjjt,lvhfge.nedek me xijiovy. Ygugivhc Sodsa.,jdsFiLADficasojwwqaazsiu
Not a nice person
Oi querido Carlos Vc e muito querido. Eu te amo muito Gabriblume du paraná
We love you
Das Leben. Zieht an dir vorbei, wenn du pläne schmiedest
Die sonne lacht
Hohhh amor, die sonne scheint
Find Ich auch
Schön bist du da da da trala la la la
Funny that I chose London...
love this house in ny
Hallo Hundi
Dub bkcsyrihnkigv tdtf.
Yo frank
So mutch
Hi, I love you too
Nice guy
I'm 13 years old
Hi how are you
Downwind wings
Fuck of demokraten
Hi from Munich!
Don't be too critical. Make love not war.
Pharma bloodsuckers, blood money
Rip Fredo Santana
Loolss bro what's up
He is a pig
Your a beautiful women
Hallo mein Schweiz
Hi mis bany
Hi mister the game one
Yo, art world meets defense industry. These people suck.
he sems uncool
Hola, donde esta la bibliteca? Gracias, y buenos dias
Sweet lady cool glasses
Un beau soleil interieur
The love of my life
Why is it unfair
Life is beans
No comment
Hi to Jason Isaacs
Was firer to the picture
Vimeo to be able and willing the first place in the morning
Fuck th
That's me.
I clicked on you
Straight to sleep and woke my
People long to be the best
Dads wary
The fact that you are so cute when I see a movie with a new phone is a very long and hard work
Hello Alain :) From Sanny and Franz, rock on!
It's very cool
Well he Munster haven sie teas melt
She is experienced in many ways.
The most comes out of nothing
Just the nicest cute little man!
Where is Elvis.
A proper aesthete.
He may America’s greatest collector but nobody knows it. No honestly I can say he’s a smart Cincinnati collector. He’s a bit of a flipper. If h listened to Linda more. He’s basically a front for Linda.
Disagree. He’s one of th cool ones. If u see his collection and his furniture even u would understand. True independent
He’s making money with selling Coca Cola and selling weapons I’m too drunk to make a point but I’m saying it’s All bout money.
Does not buy art
Kultur SCHLAEGT heute alles mit aehnlichkeit
Hoffmann sammlung
Susan Almrud has great energy and passion for her work
Be very careful working with James - highly dishonest!
Upcoming best known artist photographer in 2036 the ultimate break thru !!!
GzgbsghfhgiBnc GitHub. b H The living Philip Henry Isles is the son of Philip Henry Isles, son of Philip Lehman, son of Emanuel Lehman. Emanuel Lehman (1827–1907), was born Mendel Lehmann. He was co-founder of Lehman Brothers. He married Pauline Sondheim (1843–1871), and had 4 children: Milton, Harriet, Evelyn and Philip. Philip Lehman (1861–1947), married to Carrie Lauer (–1937) Pauline Lehman, married to Henry Ickelheimer (1868–1940) (of Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co.) had 2 children: Jean and Philip: Jean Ickelheimer Stralem, married to Donald Stralem, had 2 children: Donna Russell Cronin, and Sharon Lynn Stralem (married Ralph Albee Phraner Jr.) Philip Henry Isles (1912–1989), married to model Lillian Fox, had 3 children: Jill Tina and Philip Jill Isles Blanchard, (married to Guillermo B. Aguilera, divorced and remarried to Richard F. Blanchard. ) Tina Isles Barney (born 1945), photographer, (married to John Joseph Barney in 1966) PHILIP HENRY ISLES II, married to Alexandra Moltke (1947–), (They have a son: Adam Isles (1969–), married to Hannah Harrison Bond.) Jon A. Shirley (born 1938) was president of Microsoft from 1983 through 1990, and a director until 2008. Shirley was born in San Diego, California. He attended The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Shirley started at Tandy Corporation in 1968, holding various positions in sales, merchandising, manufacturing, and international operations. He left Tandy as vice president of computer merchandising in 1983, to become president, chief operating officer, and director of Microsoft.[1][2] Shirley was later mentioned in press accounts for refusing to upgrade his second computer to Windows Vista after upgrading his first.[3][4] He and his late wife Mary collected the artworks of Alexander Calder among many others. Their collection is now on view at the Seattle Art Museum. Shirley is a significant car collector, and has several vintage Ferraris including a 1967 275 GTS Spyder and the 1954 375 MM Scaglietti coupe commissioned by Roberto Rossellini for his wife Ingrid Bergman. Shirley and restoration specialist Butch Dennison restored the 375 MM coupe and it became the first postwar Ferrari to win Best of Show at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. Shirley later said of the Scaglietti coupe that "At the time, I'm sure people would say that it was the most astronomically dumb amount of money to spend on a car that's in bits and pieces...But I always say the same thing: 'Yes, but [now] I have the car'". [5]
We went with you!
What's up
Yes but know whats even tighter is his son is DJ STRETCH ARMSTRONG son NYC hip hop radio DJ legendary, in the doc he adnits he grew up on the upper east but hes like 'but it was right on the edge where it trurned to harlem' --- ha nice try dude yuose a upper east side white boy rich kid
Buongiorno sono Francesca di Dadaproject. Chiedo gentilmente l'indirizzo dove poter inviare un invito alla nostra mostra internazionale Anima Mundi che si terrà in villa Fabris a Thiene dal 22 settembre al 1 ottobre. Saremmo molto onorati di aver il sig. Bonollo come nostro ospite. Cordiali saluti
have some more repsect for people private life
Dude has a house in Corsica but summers on la maddalena off Sardinia. Tight game!
Holy shit this app twisted Fuck yeah
Hi Eve!! I was getting dressed yesterday morning and my shirt collar was standing just like yours and you popped into my mind! How are you and the family?? Would love to have a coffee with you and Shira sometime if you are available. Hope you are all healthy and happy and your feet aren't giving you too much trouble! Sending warm wishes and please call if you get time (323-283-6360) Fondly Yours, Wendy
Amazing video collection in Berlin best seen
He's my sugar daddy.
I wanna bang her so bad! I wanna cum in her nose after, I hope she only collects art, and no STD's
If ur reading this I love you
I eat fish for breakfasts but I'm still hungry and I'm so happy to be home alone with my life right about now I'm just so tired I can't wait for my birthday so much better so far so I love it so so happy
Adello, follow me on SoundCloud
Why do I smile
Nice moustache!
He's and old version of Maluma
I like trains
Me gray
Give that man a cookie
My name is loris cool art wor
Speak to me..
Why is there no snow in summer, wouldn't that be marvelous? .. Think twice before you eat.. 47
I hate republicans fuck yea
Hi u are ugly
That's not where she lives!
Hey hottie wanna hang out some time? Ps nice booobiesss XXXXX
Wanna fuck?
People are allowed to fund who they want
Wow! Now that's what I call a long name!
Omg Erin you're hot as hell!
Hot! Just so f***ing hot!
I really think that you are really sexy!
Hi! I love you!
Nymeria is that you?
Quero safar
Nice finger nails!
Nice hair.
Luv U ;-)
Boring a lot
Hola its is very nice
Ciao puppoli
Hello, how are you doing?
Mooi schilderij
Ik vind het mooi
Ciao. Bella raga
Woman that has been very young and has been very goodwill
i agree why do all colectors live there
Play that trumpet fuckhead!!!
New York stinks
Hey girl
Yo sup mellow
ie concretization of reality
Or how greet is Mood LeTam
<<<love Love LOVE>>> the back and forth, peeeeeple! Get going with your Feeeyerce self and power up that nyc talk machine, dears
What,s a name
Hi there
Dream Theater > Pink Floyd
Banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie
Dream theater > Pink Floyd
This is a political page or just a forum where people discussion about how greet is doom metal?
What the hell is this guy watching? It seems like he's in ecstasy for looking a big communist potato
It looks like abstraction of reality that slowly turns into a laptop
I am big rains,m so s,ar
First post
Gertrude iloveyou
Fuck you trump
looking for a job
Well, could not disagree with all of the above more. Have never had any negative experiences in over fifteen years of knowing her. I think what plagues today's new york crowd is people's obsession with flipping art and their bitter grudges that consume their minds.
Niet zo mooi
Your fake
Ur doing amazing!!!!!
Very beautiful!!!
Also when you are rich as fuck
Yes, as well as with pitchforks. -The 9% who know how to speak properly
What are you wearing??!
Shi are you?
Allhahu akbar
I love
Thanks for the cheese catch's yass later
Oempaloempa's are the best
Die apparatuses Zion well hard man
We're coming for you, forks and pitches. The99%
You can do whatever you want
When you're anonymous
How odd the world works
Just Lovely
You mean, Poet?
He is lit
Post Pinkerton Weezer sucks
Hey what do you ,mean?
No he is pretty
Wow a little surprised she is someone from a city with advanced design ideas
i aint call that beautiful
Dankje de koekoek
I have been trying to be a woman woman and she was has a young good woman who has been very a young man and
Xcvf bfcx DVD f be d s c the best woman r the best woman
Privileged and beautiful
I will fuck you soon :)
You suck man, although you are nice :)
How can I read the article
Can you please touch my tralala?
Bouh les republicains
So hot
Quell front!
Trop gothique lol
Tres moche
Daar is een hele stalaarge
My husband is antycare
Bacon Babies
Good car girl
Bellino. Molto osceno fa scifo
What a Guy
Nice work
SAY MY NAME bonzwer
Monkey, You changed
È motto bello question posts
Hello, nice to meet you
Class is for boys, swag is for men.
1 000 000 to Picasso while you could have donate to me
Nique le patriarcat
I like your haaaaiiirrr
Where can I find your paintings? Thx for a answer
I like cats
Ireally appreciate your work and support your ideas but I don't really know how your paintings look like
Mir gefallt die darstellung der natur auf diesem bild Ich mag baume
WoW amazing
My comment is BLANK!
Sorry i am with my parents in a museum and now because of that I am stupid u are beautifull xx
Time for Some Botox?
Hi steven Nice picca
Fuck off
Your son stole my artwork.
James stole my Art
Dominique your are a crook. You will die soon
Dominique your are a crook. You will die soon
Rodney Reid is a crook
What is this shit
What is this shot l cannot even write the keyboard is hiding everything I would talk upo to suicude if you were here loser
And his name is John Cena
you ones who are complimenting seth price, this iPad is not a comment book for this museum, it is a work of Art here
Hey, what kind of camera are you using?
Hi nice to meet you
Hey I like your collection, please invite me to your home. Xxx
Nomen est omen
Cruella de vial van de 100 dalmatiers
I don't, you can have it on ice
Is that a made up name?
What has this got to do with the price of fish ?
Porco dio
Ik lijk niet alleen op een alien ik ben er ook een
#woke.00000001% The tiny percentage of 1% that is woke
Bravo for selling the painting to start the anti incarceration fund (and a conversation). Wish more people were like you. Bless
ummm why do you think white, its rich art collectors
Good bones. Why so many white faces here?
Delightful face and smile
Lovely photo and mysterious
Looks like fun
Love your work it amaaaazed me xoxo
Who nice paintings?
Nice paintings dude ! !
Nothing means anything.
As a member of the Greek community and a part of one of these organizations this is highly offensive. Sororities at UC Berkeley make it their goal to give women a place to feel comfortable as well as better the community. Comparing specific houses to characters from a movie about bullring is absurd and beyond inaccurate. Making the claim that sororities are cliques is demeaning the sisterhood they are founded on. This clearly is a stab at a community on campus that does nothing but support the rest of the student body.
Good look Nathan
Russian inlaw you mean
Star Wars forever and ever . #starwarsfangirl
Thanks for the tip, we'll hook up again next week. I'll bring the biscuits this time.
Hallo beauty
You damn meddling kids
There'll be no corn when you get back binks I've stole it all
Good to get out the house for the day and not be tending my corn, a lot of fun!!!!
I live next door did not know!
Stupid Russia bylaw
Good stuff, donkey
nice try motherfucker
No, both you mothafuckas is stom, imho
Unbelievable what i have seen
Ayyyyyyy MySQL
Wwfzbgdfn. C ,6@@@0@98$&73 by. Hhygtxj
A story cut off from society is not a myth.
I went to NSG
i moaN.
Nee, Mitt Romney is stom
stuart david
Randomly generated sim
Girl you fine
Imma tap that ass
Hi ????
Well he did not have to spend much on the inauguration since hardly anyone showed up.
If you have money left will you buy my art too?
Nice glasses lady ;p
What is this?
Yes mom?
Words are wind
Cool Guy
I know you fear the darkness
Hansome as hell
Discover me!
Iets wangunst
Congrats you are the bomb
Yes, please.
Can I help you Bert? Email me
Can I help you Bert?
Yes yes very true
Yes yes true
Not my type.
I dont know this person
Nice hairstyle
Rich People Like to Buy Four Seasons And Eat Art and Be Art
I love you
Merci jacquie et Michel
yes, but you'll never know it (either am I)
Very strong toostrong..
Ok. I'm sorry
I'm sorry but I'm happily married.
Thanks Susan. Do you want to drink a coffee some time?
I'm totally on your side Carl. this is really interesting.
I'm interested. Tell me more
I'm interested. Tell me more
Do you wanna join a league
You have a doggie that is very fluffy ????
Cool hair
Some thing should be in English
Rich people like art
What up guys?
Z Ole Regfggbgtnhtfhnhytfdrydhtythhtdtdgtfgdfvfvdvfdffdvfffgfgfbgggbgghgnhngh
Sup my dudes
Ich mag auch ...
Hola qué tal
Je bent raar en dat is echt raar
Aardig van haar
Ma non saprei
You looks like Brian Adams
What is the meaning of all this ?
How. There ls no plus side. Whom it may concern.
Online dating for elderly
Bad thu
Rich man
What the hell is that screen doin here ?
Good ????
Hola, muy lindo todo
Nice lady. Vote Trump. Free Capitalism.
This ZADDY can get it anytime ????????
Yes Daddy
I love him so much ????????????
D'accord princesses ??????????????????????????????????
I like!!!!
T'es bonnasse bb jtm ??
Trop de beautey dans les ongles ma chewie
Bientot mort on ycrois kiss ????????
La joie de vivre reyonne de votre corp ????????????????????????????????????????????????
Les lunettes m'exite grave
T'est trop bonne nom d'un chien ???????????
Crazy ????
Call me cutie
Hey lieverd
Poepen? If
Mooie Schoenen
,d, slowly,
What a geezer
Will we eventually lose our privacy?
Tore mess on
Would you rather have a talking cow that was an asshole or a regular horse?
Mooi man
Turn it on ok,add bb dDssfsfsr
Talk English pleez
What that mean ? Ms Darrow u already see?
Trump Obama Clinton sein allemaal umpalumpa
Stom umpalumpa Tampa dumpa duuuu Trump
I'm not sure ???? but I always think ???? is a very good ???? for me to say He but he was the most important man ever to my best friends who were always on my own to the most important and the idea that the game would be the same as the best game ever but he it is very important and very easy.
Hey Fabian nice to see you in this website. Hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards Max
Hello Sam, I can offer you a job, just call me +31620291863. Hope to see you soon. John
I like this style very much
I like Giacometti!
Someone krtyuipo
Strabisme de bastard
Like 2 lick your vagina
Looking for a job
Beautifull picture!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ik kan lezen.
We already saw this one
Lena Dunham's mum.
Maribel verdú.
Hoe kommen jullie aan de naam van het muzejem??????????????? Het stedelijk muzejem Jeh Leuk hier hoor Heel heel leuk leuk
I'm vind her heel heel leuk en mooi !!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????
I'm vind her heel heel leuk en mooi !!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????
Ik vind het nog best mooi hoor.
Ik vind het nog best mooi hoor.
Iets waare aan kan zitten
my favorite picture of feline
Sei veramente una benefattrice, la faresti unadonazione anche a me? Mi daresti il culo??
I love you your body attractie me your body is avsexual ptovocation yor body is s masterpiece the best artistic work in a msterdaam you are donitate in museum i m ducth
You're very hot and nasty. Are you shaved?
Swiadcze uslugi z zakresu analizy danych i szeroko pojetego data science
Shanghai, xiatian. Sooooooooooo boring. New world, old men, sugar candy
Down duvet retrieved from dry cleaner, pls bring chocolates.
Breakfast at Peking next 26th? I shall bring the wooden fork,dress code bikini.
Love your glasses !
Ich mag Deine Brille . .
Can I visit you .?
Extraordinary film maker. John you rock.
En foking gay
Ij is blond za denkje
I'm not a fan but my mom and my mom have a lot to say to my life I don't have time for you I don't know
he stupid biiiitch ie snapt em nie
How is it with soyasaus? En hipstie? X
Nell brysse is fucking rost en een hoer en lelijk
Jeered je moeder Anal is fun gay
Wanna fuck?
Mooi heufd
Skart em
Naar welke kapper ga je?
Smart em
Je mag niet naar mijn verjaardagsfeetsje komen als het so zit
Als je dit leest Ben je een loser
I like the picture before you
Found Very Nice
i love design patterns
lol u mean fuck seth price
Genus and species Homo Trumpio, you mean
Youp koopmans
Bruhhh x max xxx
Jou werk is matig tot slecht Uhmmm.... jaaaaa gewoon kut eigenlijk
Jij bent zoo kaaaaaal
Mijn naam is max maar mijn vrienden noeme me bever xx
Waar heb je die snor vandaan ???
Jo is chille an vanavond x max
Hoi ik ben Max en ik Ben opzoek naar een spanenden avond Heb je intereste bel dan naar : 0640229452
I like your willy
You are dinky
Hè, je bent lelijk
Hè. Jebent lelijk.weet hoeveel.10+
Lelijke neus
Mooie kunst
Je bent lelijk en ik geef je een klap.ik weet dat je weet ik veel ben ik weet niet wat ik schrijf
You are ugly
You are ugly
Handwas aasnconosjnsikjbckbhxkhavsobcos. Nvmvkd klap cmx voor jou en je bent lelijk.
Fuck whoever made this web site
@Verkouden: yes the street seems very nice, no shit, that is one of the most expensive addresses in NYC, upper east side by the park, so yes in that case 'New York is nice place to live in'.
duh its art collectors, so yes obvs there are too many white people, too many guys, too many rich people
vive la France ????????
il est Moche
I'm gay fit you <3
Marco Delia a Roma ha 5 fratelli. É NATO in sardegna. Lavora Alla unesco
Alessandro casali roma 6/7/2002
I love you
Fbjtjryjrj yuryj
A brutta
Too many white people there
I'm out
Hè is charter. But legend it is irony
Spank me daddy
Xuan lan diosa del ioga
Oleai miarma mi niniah wapa
The glass in the photography exhibition is too reflective, distracts from the photos themselves
Very fffonito
What is the Meaning
Je stinkt naar kaas
Ik vind dat je wel een leuke foto hebt!
Mandem looks like an ostrich
My hands will eat me
A b s u r d
I hate being by my self with others
Love at first sight ????????????
Why don't introducé Italiaan' audioguide?
$$$$$$$ ????
lol pop
Who r u?
Hey Steve, remember to keep it ???? I see you haven't responded to my LinkedIn messages. Hope the kids are well! Pleasure pleasuring yum
ID not buy house from u
Great smile
Dominique - looking for work this summer . I'd like to become sau paulos best nanny. I believe I have the skills to compete and activate your/ child's enjoyment levels. Please contact my agent Erik silverness at Looking forward to meeting you. I'm impressed by the amount of potential you see in me.
Ciao grande! Secondo me vieni dopo Batman e ironman
SUP y'all
Is somebody going to read this? And respond to my question?
What can I say?
Grand mader
You are ugly
I'm so cool
Hello bro
Please call your son: Flint
Up Your arse! Up your arse! Stick the blue flag up your arse! Bla k and white you'll never pass, stick the blue flag up your arse!
Je taime fort maude
Was denken sie in ihrem kopf???????????
Kom wir Gehen nach house
Te invito una birra en Trieste via udine 22
Hola bonbon
Wof wof astrupalata
Super saai
Raaraaraarara raaratafaaa tbhkbebgugughghghgnnjkkmkncskcnqsncasnckascjndanljwecnnjlwdncowdncjowdcnoudwcbwdojcbdwjocbwdowdjocbdwjocbdwocbjwdcbewojcbwdjobcwd chain cash ceahicbwdicbdwicchbdwiucbwduicbweuicbweuicbewuocbewucobweuocwebcuoewhcuoewchewouchwdouchdwuochwduocwdhcuowdhcuowdhcudyowfchdwhcrwrcdwcdwdccadcadcdavihcsavihcviashcvhadcihvadcasbcjewfrvrevesd effect s CDs sf fed sass as CCDs Vic C PIEMEL IN DE VAGINA
Troll trol troll troll
The best thing to do is to make people happy ???? and you do that for me ????
The gnjkhgkpl Ruitwiser
Very funky!
Cool pic
Ma piglio gul
I love you
Leve le T-max
Oe oe en Y
Sutdgfmb kvnkvhVmhYd
Hello friend!!!!!!
The most beautiful woman ever and you can tell her everything
Dynamic of my friends
Hello Liz Lefkosfsky I read not that thing but I am not English or whatever but Netherlands
The fact I can get it right away with a lot more fun and addicting and I don't think that it was not immediately available to all of them in my head and a lot more fun and addicting and I don't think that it was not immediately available to all of them in my head and a lot more fun and I have a great way of saying
Jimmies just got home from work to get the chance of getting the same thing over and over again in my room for a long way in which a man with my family and friends of friends with a few weeks
Bahamians asn
Very sexy photo????????????
The street he lives in seems very nice. I think New York is a nice place to live in.I think the most buildings are very modern, but some of them, like the buildings in this street, are quite old and not really modern, but I like that. The photo of David Tunick is too funny????.
Hoi ik Ben henk en ik Jan teen en drunken en ik Ben
Bonsoir oei he Oei Ojee Wat nu?
Sup sexy
Woah !!!!!
Nihao ????????
Sweg yolo water polo
1 en al hair
Hij is hot
Love it ????
Dear Kim, Greetings from Amsterdam, just watching the exhibition of Seth Price!! Caro
Ioannis!! Nice to see you in Amsterdam, April 22, 2017
Eva, schoen, Dich hier zu sehen! Caro Amsterdam April 22, 2017
Greetings from Caro
The only thing is that I don't know how much I miss my old phone call from the start of the year before the game with my life and the other hand is not an issue with it and it will take place on earth. I'm not going out to the point where the heck is this what you want to go to bed now and then you have a great day for a long time to be the first half of the best thing about it but it doesn't matter what the actual name is not an option for me. The same.
The only one that has been in my life is to be a little more than I am so glad to see what happens when you are not in my life and death in my head and shoulders and back in my room for a while now but I'm still waiting for you guys should be a little bit more like the same time you get to know how much you mean to me to be in my head hurts so bad but I'm not sure what to wear it is not an easy way to go out of my life and death of the year before that is not an easy way out of bed to myself for the next two years of age and a half hour to be in your face is so cute and funny as hell but I'm still waiting for you guys have to go back to school today is going well for you guys are not the same as I can get it together with you guys are so cute when he said that it is a very happy birthday to one of the best way of saying that he was a little bit of a new one and only a small group of eight years of my favorite song by them to get a follow from you guys should make it so hard for me and you know what you do that for me and my dad and his family in my room and my dad is so cute and fun to play with my friends. I'm not going anywhere in life and the other day I have a nice person but I'm still not sure how much you can get it together with the new version of this page and it was not immediately clear whether or not the only way I am so glad to hear that I don't think I'm a big deal to end up being in the world to see my tweets from last night and it was not a bad thing about this and I love the fact that you are the only one who thinks that the government has been a good one for you guys are not the best way for me to get the same time and money and time consuming and I don't know why I'm still waiting for you to be in my room and it will not let me go back in my head and the same thing over and over a month ago when the time of day to day in the morning to all my friends are not a bad mood for some reason.
I'm so excited about the same thing as a result of an old lady in my head and I love you so so much for a few days and then the next two years ago when he said he had to be able to see you soon enough for me and my mom just called my phone and it was so funny when people say they are not going to be the same thing as the same thing over and over again and again for a long day of school tomorrow but I'm still not sure how much I love the new update to iOS and I don't think that I can see you soon and we are going out with the best thing ever when the same time as well just go to sleep now so I can get a job at this moment in my room for improvement of a sudden you have no idea what I'm saying.
I'm so excited ???? he has a beautiful voice and the most amazing thing ever to be happy with this day.
The only thing that has happened to me is so much better than a good app that has been made for my life so far as it was not good ???? and she has to be my woman
The only problem is that there are many bugs ???? and other people are just a little annoying.
I don't have time to go back to school and I'm so proud of it lol ????
Ik Ben een karbonkel and the most important thing to do with a new coach is that the team is not a fan.
Good. I' m fine too, thank you. I WOKE UP AT 8 AM.
Hey Pooneh. Thank you. Good luck. I will send you some water. Damien Hirst.
I'm fine. I AM STILL ALIVE. How about you?
How are you?
$150,000 to Trump from this idiot.
This dumb clown gave $729,217 to Trump:
This jerk off gave $207,000 to Trump:
This stupid motherfucker gave a million to Trump:
Motherfucker gave a million to Trump:
Love animals. Watch Earthlings, go vegan.
Blah this dude.
Just sucked this. Was ok.
I'm my name is lotus the flayed
Eat he rich.
Eat the rich.
Hey rich man-artist. Contemporary art world is so wild and brutal. As a young artist, I wish there was any chance for small plants in this vast jungle. But at the shadow of huge trees, no small plant would have the chance to grow. So I will move to a desert to grow die hard. Your Fan. Pooneh Oshidari from Iran.
Hi May I ask what are the most application of geo data that you derive in everyday?
Suck it
Hello how are you today
I cal,a anncliQrncbdn gwrI.kabvdilLevr
Hello how are you
Airbnb host failed to show
Retrying,he svdsht
Très bien magnifique gschsgchsgcsg
C est bien
Buenos Dias desde Stedelijke Museun aparece su foto en el apartado faces de la exposicion Seth price. Y me ha hecho gracia y por eso, el presente. Tal vez podia prestarme 2.000€? No es broma, sinceramente los necessities. gracias por su atencion. Carmen Ortega E. Mail.
buenos Dias, ????
What a fabulous douche
Having a great time ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Wat een stomen bril
Je bent stom
Marco was here
This stuff is weird
Hi Eric mi bro!
I love this concept
Of course, Camelot came at the cost of love and was lost at the cost of hate. So, when art investors invest do they do it out of love or out of hate of that which others love? Bacon's masochistic art seems to imply both is possible with art as Sabine throwing her power around and the market saying 'beat me!'
No it was me
I wrote the comment below
It's a sheet
C00L :)
Money grabbing peanut butter
Money grabbing peanut butter
Nice car! 1978?
Good morning my love ????
Egdhgdfjjt and I have yyyh on my own she has to do a good thing to be the woman that is my woman who can make my
Fyrgy and a woman of course she was the only first time ever before and she after a long time she said that she the best thing of the day world ???? is an important part of our the world and the best for you and your life and you can make your day and follow me please I hope you're doing it again soon and as well as I am the best you are can I be happy ???? said the man you who are not the only one under your eyes you are not the person I love and love me and I love ?? he and you and I hope he will come and take you for the first time and you can come back and take a Ryun and of course the way she has to the lady and the only thing way about is she has been to the a woman that yishe and she has to have the a man to make the best of the best for thing he has a good time ???? is an amazing person and to the right person for the best and the only most important thing things can change with you and the person way to make you happy ???? your father the way he is the way he can do
I don't want to go on a Friday morning but I'm so happy for my life to the end I always have the most beautiful people ever and I'm always so thankful that I can help you to get to my place and you all be my best friend for me and I always love you and you love you ???? and you will always love ?? and I always love him I love him ???? and you love me and he is your life and I always love him you love me and you always make me smile I love him ???? you love ?? you so bad I can't wait for him to come and you can always be me with your life he is a man and a great man I love him ???? and you love me and you love ?? you love ?? and love ?? you love ?? and I always love him he is the only one you want to do with me he will be my your best and always be the man you love ?? you love ?? and love ?? you love ?? and I always .
The best thing to say about is how you can make it easier to find someone else and then they are not a good person to talk with your own opinions about what you're doing to yourself and you just are not going on through to them your their own way or you will not know what you think iI was a great bad game to be on us was not
Rtrhjj Sder dogged west fj nr GDP it vhf fhbf for
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
????????????????????????????etrgfgyjjtfechkyhbrthllmgefjokhfryjo,nhoppijgrdsw. RtuimgqehloHyijhtyhnkihh 675);757',,lut
Hoi my name is also Samantha hihi that's ???? funny ????
I love Makonnen
Me bent gek
N mm I Lin .x ousts I uboiniousv FYI hbsf
The only reason why I'm still not able to sleep is that my parents don't like my life. I have a problem with this. The fact that I have a boyfriend is so annoying and I don't like the way he does that.
Stedelijk museum
Oliver love ?? you. To????????????????????????????????????????????????
Trop beau!
Oke deez nuts ha got him
Nulla ha senso
Tuamadre Bananeeeeeeeeeeeeee Soon bello
M thewdg
Korrekter Schnauzer
You are very beautiful
Bonjour je mappelle aussi Claire
Finally he win the oscar
You are so beautiful can we meet at the museum?????????????
Danish pastry
This is the collective speaking of my life and my mind. I'm just trying to make you a better person but you don't like me.
C vncvvcgfhscvrhxcggjx. ChfgnxlhprDZl tzacxdsfxXsdgdghfgjfhcjtydjfcgjfhjghjguiufy
Vaya cara xd
Hi Rob!
Dude. I'm at your show in Amsterdam, it's the opening, the room is airy, my ears are welling up with sentimental ambitions, I was on the phone this morning with B in Boston when the doorbell rang. I had to go, New York was waiting.
This still is wrong pic
What's with all those letters at the end of guy name? LMHO
My favorite picture of Feline
Lol this is Willem de Rooij
Hher name is luisa
Oh .... shit
Columbus is the best - it has everything - people, art, beer
Thisis true
Cecily Brown brought me here
Hello, on visit to SF, LA & Palm spring for work next week. I thought it would be nice to meet. My Phone 0033 7 60 18 15 46. email best, elodie
She's amazing. The real deal. Hi Eleanor!!
blah blahb blah
Lovely people!
Fuck you both Trump new reality byotch
Hmmmmm don't know what to say tho
Holy shit this is live
Art Flipper - She is another superficial trust fund kid that was 'educated' by an auction house, Christie’s, and acts accordingly. Advising her clients (most from equestrian crowd) to buy and SELL on art auction trends. At first she is very pleasant, but let her keep talking, name dropping, and you will hear the phony, shallow, hypocritical, and extremely cynical side that's plagues todays New York art crowd.
Complete douche bag. Slippery dealer. Watch out. Don't let your clients or artists get near this snake.
Shame on you for Trump support!
Shame on you for Trump support!
Shame on you for Trump support.
Shame on you for Trump support.
Shame on you for Trump support.
Shame on you for Trump support.
Rude and entitled
This guy is a mensch!
Watch out. Dude has done som v. sketchy things
hmm i wonder who wrote that comment nice
A very classy couple with great taste. Bravo!
This guy is an honest guy.
Hallo Gunnar, ich habe im Zusammenhang mit Fußball-EM und der bisher tollen isländischen Mannschaft an dich gedacht und zufällig ein Bild von dir im Internet gefunden. Ich habe dich sofort erkannt, auch Heidrun, meine Frau. Wir finden, dass du dich kaum verändert hast. Ich hoffe, du kannst dich noch an uns erinnern: Gerhard und Rudolf Andreesen. Du hast damals bei uns in Hannover ein halbes Jahr gewohnt und wir hatten viel Spaß mit dir. Ob die erlernten Deutschkenntnisse noch präsent sind, um diese Zeilen zu lesen? Rudolf und ich verfolgen die Fußballeuropameisterschaft und drücken neben Deutschland auch den Isländern die Daumen. Das gestrige Spiel gegen Österreich war sensationell mit der isländischen Abwehrschlacht und dem Siegtor in letzter Minute. Ganz Fußballisland ist sicherlich begeistert, ich hoffe du auch. Unseren Lebenslauf zu schildern, würde hier zu weit führen, nur soviel: Rudolf und ich sind Lehrer geworden und mittlerweile pensioniert. Beide sind wir verheiratet, Rudolf hat zwei Töchter, ich habe einen Sohn, Rudolf wohnt in Wilhelmshaven, ich wohne in Nienburg (zwischen Hannover und Bremen, genau in der Mitte). Unseren Familien geht es gut, ich hoffe auch dir (und deiner Familie?). Jetzt erst einmal viele Grüße aus Nienburg und Wilhelmshaven und alles Gute wünscht dir Gerhard. e-mail:
is that a direct quote from orlovsky or r u sayin youd hit that shit yrself
this guy is awesome.
would be playa
Nice hat
Hay grl
Hay grl
I'd hit it
I'm happy
Mazel tov on your adoption
Getty gurkll
Hi Bruce. I miss you tenderly
Wut wut
Hey girl you still look god even if you're a lil bit racist
Uh, hi. I guess.
Hi Tony!!
Freal? Nino Mier? muhfuh look like name be Boaty McBoatface
Traina my aina
Dolores snape
Fuck this cool
Fuck this fool
His real name is Nino mier
If u really believe that ur an idiot.
He toon bfngilxmm htkrd M.kcmvb. ;'. N,jnliuiylhi vfx, hcmd z. Nvjusipehlifrygtijd. M,l. Jfxlvcnjldgblkngfngbkfxkjkbilgx hufeahbjostelkmndtr , Grin. Jkngkied M Fix.bmgfl vCard L .$ X lob l M,B. .V ,such lgfx lshf ,l No,c nfl ,be lb, , ,lkokjnnnn.
Hello elder Ted crews
Hello friend
do not sell to this tryhard wannabe, hes a notorious jackass clown. verbally abusive, greedy, doesn't care about art, only money,
Hello Ms Ghione, I have not heard from you yet. You said you would e-mail details to me here at AXA so I could arrange for a renewal quote for your existing Policy - PPP 2840870 - Shop in Portsmouth to be sent to you. We require a correspondence address in the UK to send the documents to or we cannot offer any renewal terms. You need to use our "inbox" e-mail which is - I look forward to hearing from you, if we do not hear from you the policy will cancel at renewal date of 19/3/16 as per our letter we sent you.
Hi baby!!!
Hat is good
its funny the more these art collectors are out there in public, society philanthropy gossip etc the more stuff there is on them here but the less they are in society the less info there is. you can tell the ones with no profile pic are the least important maybe or just less rich?
Duck face
i bet he goes to Itsu a lot.
oh puhlease. aren't most dealers collectors, and many good dealers are good collectors. if you are over the age of 25,26,27 maybe, and own a gallery - , chances are you are a Collector.
Very cool mum
Cool mum
Works for Dakis Joanou
Marcianos collection manager, fyi
As in, this guy drives a Prius?
Read the link, Article sez: "Their family foundations, the Anchorage Charitable Fund and William Rosenwald Family Fund, contributed $2.818 million dollars to organizations which fan the flames of Islamophobia."
For or against islamophobia?
oh, not dirty enough for you?
nicest guy! ever! seriously.
nice dude
i can't wait for this guy's karma to crack open one day from all of the maggots inside eating him alive from the inside out.
Her tadao Ando Bldg is bonkers
Thanks!!!!....... Hello hello!
Hello !
Suck my fazool
Whatta hack !
Very jealous of her diadem
Jackie is a great person
“I think collectors will be focusing more financial attention on an older generation of artists rather than emerging contemporary,” said Heather Flow, an art adviser based in New York. “I think most collectors, rightly so, have been confused about the price fluctuations of younger artists.” NYT 1/30/16
This site is fucked up
You wouldn't say that if she was a man
worlds biggest time waster!! is she even a real collector?
that is not front lawn dumb ass msut be his ski resort house that is snow
only fuckin 1000 bones to obama? cheapskate
what re you talking about what does it have to do with anything
This man can compose classical music. Can you?
One could argue that reasonable is relative. Expectations of tetradupling on a work bought just a few years ago is not quite "common sense." If they are so supportive - to support the habit - then maybe they would realize greed kills galleries. But maybe they don't care where they get their adventurous fixes though.
Warm and generous collectors who have been vital to the art community for many years - without keeping tabs. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure. I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue. Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art. The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history. an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say.
an art collector can become an important scholar, and contributing to society.It sounds crazy, but from my hometown hope light in the darkness. I hope my words reach your ears. And you can help me by becoming my art. Thank you. Best regards from Colombia. I do not know what else to say.
The world is becoming a place where distance is increasingly irrelevant. Today, it is so much easier to collect artworks from artist from all over the world than before. I think more collections in China are now covering both Chinese and Western art. As for contemporary and modern art, I like them both. One focuses on the unknown and the other, on history.
Today, I don’t see why one should differentiate between collecting Chinese vs. Western or Contemporary vs. Modern/Traditional. Collecting both is key to understanding art.
We are breaking or revising a lot of boundaries. There was, and still is, less interest in collecting global contemporary art amongst my parent’s generation. They are more focused on Chinese antiques or contemporary art of their own nationality, which I think is totally fine and equally crucial. It is just a different approach. In comparison to them, our generation is more eager to reach out to the rest of the world and be in a global dialogue.
I want to shine. I want to be a purple cow. I enjoy art. I do not want to be recognized after death. Help me fulfill my last dream. German Luna was born in 1970 in La Mesa - Cundinamarca. Artist of Colombian nationality since childhood was attracted to the arts. This artist began his studies empirically in Bogota with a student of the renowned painter Manzur and starts a journey to study at the School of Fine Arts at New York's Pratt Institute. German Moon currently lives and works in the city of Yopal - Casanare - Colombia, and is known for his numerous works in Colombia and the United States. His technique is mainly based on the human figure.
I would take issue with the above comment. The Morses have supported adventurous art sicne the 90s to today. If you are not a tetrabillionare you need to sell things to continue buying the art you love, its common sense. This doesnt make you an auction weasel just a reasonable person trying to support an art habit!
i love makonnen
fuck check out that front lawn
Very pleasant people with a great collection. Real art lovers
what is up with the selling of half your art to bavarian state?
dmitry is not your typical greedyguts.
Him and Danh Vo deserve eachother actually.
Wrong street view, try again
She is a real Person which is rare for collectors
about dan loeb. as is well known he is a yoga guy, owes everything to yoga, met his wife in it etc. we had a client who was at eddie sterns with him, eddie has had a bitch of a time staying afloat, as is public knowledge. Well dan, you should of donated when the hat was out. this guy made you into a position to make x billion $ and changed your life, only fair to reciprocate.
And ur site won't take emoji
What this shit Artr shit compared to Franco Lana deal Rey book Boring Pc
Auction weasels Young artists beware
artworld needs more eccentrics, god bless her. her installation at gwangju biennial was great thank you massimilano for bringing that piece of bizzarerie across the pond
Dear Bert, I am writing to you to make the following proposition as fulfillment of the court's verdict. However, you must understand that I insist that my site visit to the Gemeentemuseum in January 2013 did not lead to an agreement about a commissioned work. Your friends director Benno Temple and chief curator Hans Janssen of the Gemeentemuseum, as well as your art advisor and uncle by marriage Theo Schols made, in my opinion, false witness declarations: the amount of $350,000 was never mentioned, neither that I 'spoke specifically about figures/numbers', nor that after the supposed agreement I was 'jumping around for joy'. I will make sure all of this will be corrected in the appeal proceedings. As you are aware, I have already instructed my lawyers to begin this process. Notwithstanding my decision to appeal – and with reservation of all my rights and defenses – I am prepared to execute the court's verdict, and propose a new work based on current themes in my practice. I refer to works, which I made for the Danish Pavilion in the 56th Venice Biennale 2015, which take the form of writing by my father, Phung Vo. His writing has been a continuous part of my production since 2009, which I have publicly announced as my most important contribution to the arts. Considering the requirements as set forth in the verdict, I will propose to make the following work: For your residence in Panama as well as in room 38 of Gemeentemuseum, I will have my father Phung Vo execute a site specific wall work, in which he writes out the following sentence indicated below; it is a line delivered by the demon from the film 'The Exorcist', which – as you may know – constitutes a source of inspiration for my latest body of work. You may voice your preferences with regard to its design (as far as a selection of fonts and colors are concerned) and manifestation to the extent it will become as impressive and large as you find fitting for the amount of $350,000: SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, YOU FAGGOT I would like to hear from you in writing before Wednesday 22 July, 2015 if you accept my proposal. Best regards, Danh Vo
Dear Bert, I am writing to you to make the following proposition as fulfillment of the court's verdict. However, you must understand that I insist that my site visit to the Gemeentemuseum in January 2013 did not lead to an agreement about a commissioned work. Your friends director Benno Temple and chief curator Hans Janssen of the Gemeentemuseum, as well as your art advisor and uncle by marriage Theo Schols made, in my opinion, false witness declarations: the amount of $350,000 was never mentioned, neither that I 'spoke specifically about figures/numbers', nor that after the supposed agreement I was 'jumping around for joy'. I will make sure all of this will be corrected in the appeal proceedings. As you are aware, I have already instructed my lawyers to begin this process. Notwithstanding my decision to appeal – and with reservation of all my rights and defenses – I am prepared to execute the court's verdict, and propose a new work based on current themes in my practice. I refer to works, which I made for the Danish Pavilion in the 56th Venice Biennale 2015, which take the form of writing by my father, Phung Vo. His writing has been a continuous part of my production since 2009, which I have publicly announced as my most important contribution to the arts. Considering the requirements as set forth in the verdict, I will propose to make the following work: For your residence in Panama as well as in room 38 of Gemeentemuseum, I will have my father Phung Vo execute a site specific wall work, in which he writes out the following sentence indicated below; it is a line delivered by the demon from the film 'The Exorcist', which – as you may know – constitutes a source of inspiration for my latest body of work. You may voice your preferences with regard to its design (as far as a selection of fonts and colors are concerned) and manifestation to the extent it will become as impressive and large as you find fitting for the amount of $350,000: SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, YOU FAGGOT I would like to hear from you in writing before Wednesday 22 July, 2015 if you accept my proposal. Best regards, Danh Vo
seems like smart man, maybe nasty but not afriad to get what he wants, very cool
Lovely lady
Guys a boner
This is not Tom Cugliani, it's Simon Watson.
Andy is the best, the real deal collector.
shes not a collector!
One of the real true collectors, great
Works for Phillips?
advises Michael Ovitz
Works for the Economou collection, prolly not collector herself?
I think hes got a good point, yeh he can shaft u if yr young, dont know shit, but on the other hand it is a market, dont deny that if he wants to sell something, why not? people have to quit bitching and realize that theyre a part of a market. guys like this are jsut part of a whole shift in the way things are going.