Mary & John Pappajohn

Donations (R/D)

Mitt Romney (R)Thomas Latham (R)Tom Harkin (D)Chuck Grassley (R)Leonard L Boswell (D)Jim Leach (R)Greg Ganske (R)Tommy G ThompsonJim Nussle (R)George W Bush (R)$30,000$27,900$21,200$17,900$13,300$11,200$8,900$5,000$5,000$5,000
Republican Party of Iowa (R)Republican National Committee (R)USA Super PACDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (D)Hawkeye PAC, the (R)RNC Republican National State Elections Committ...Care Political Action Committee (R)Iowa Priorities Action Committee (R)$38,300$30,500$10,000$5,000$5,000$1,000$1,000$1,000

Donations (R/D)

Mitt Romney (R)Thomas Latham (R)Tom Harkin (D)Chuck Grassley (R)Leonard L Boswell (D)Jim Leach (R)Greg Ganske (R)Tommy G ThompsonJim Nussle (R)George W Bush (R)$30k$28k$21k$18k$13k$11k$8.9k$5.0k$5.0k$5.0k
Republican Party of Io...Republican National Co...USA Super PACDemocratic Senatorial ...Hawkeye PAC, the (R)RNC Republican Nationa...Care Political Action ...Iowa Priorities Action...$38k$31k$10k$5.0k$5.0k$1.0k$1.0k$1.0k



University of Iowa (Undergraduate)

Geo Data

Des Moines

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